Let me introduce to you the Logico Maximo by Grolier. It’s a wonderful game from education in-sights. It’s a game manipulative for kids’ ages 8 and above helping them to improve their focus, concentration and visual abilities. 

Logico Maximo comes with 16 book series, a Logico Maximo board and a parent’s guide book. 
Logico Maximo covers 3 main areas such as Brain Development, English and Mathematics. Each subject have different levels and categories. 

Every book series consist of 16 activity cards.

How to used Logico Maximo

Each card has an activity side and an answer side. Insert the card into the board. 

Match and move the colored buttons to the right answer on the right.

Once your child has answered all the questions, turn the card around and check if the color of the buttons match the answer side.

It is very easy and fun to operate. The Board is made of plastic which seems fine. The activity cards are colorful and attractive to kids. It is made of good quality paper and is waterproof. The only issue is sometimes the buttons in the board are too tight and got stuck but eventually it will work out. Overall, It's a very good cooperative game between parents and their children.

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