How to PLAY LEGO City Alarm Board Game

The basic aim of the game for this is to take one player as the robber and one player as the cop. The robber will try to get into the buildings in attempt to rob the buildings and collect 10 stocks of 100 dollar bills. Now this kinda seems like an easy to robber but it's actually quite difficult.

There are 11 buildings that you can rob from but there also eleven buildings that can be watch by the cops helicopter.
Everytime you roll the dice, if you ever show this symbol, the cop helicopter can moved to any building and if the cop helicopter is on that building, you cannot rob any money from that building. You probably wondering why movement pieces are not on the dice. You should actually put the movement pieces over, shuffle it and pick the movement piece randomly so you can see how far to move. Now the cop's job is to pick up a movement piece that is exactly the amount of moves he need to land and grab the robber. When the cop landed the robber, the game will immediately over and the cop win.

The alternate mode to play the game is by placing the jail beside the red architecture building and if the robber lands in the front of the jail, the prisoner inside it will get free and should place in the nearest white tile which considered to be a train station.

 If you ever pick up the train station movement piece, you can move in any white tile weather you are a cop or a robber. This is more strategical way to play the game rather than the first one.

The gameplay is simple, just move exactly adjacent to a building and you have a chance to roll the dice and get money.

Now, if you roll dice the see the helicopter, the cop can place the helicopter on that building so you cannot steal from that building again until the helicopter is gone but then you still get one stock (one 100 dollar bill) the problem is there are so many helicopters on the dice so when ever the robber will try to steal, the cop most likely have a chance of putting the helicopter in the building.
 There is only 1/3 chance to get 2 piece of the dollar stock. It's really difficult to collect the 10 dollar stocks, because the cop is chasing you as well as the helicopter blocking you. Now for the cop you total goal is to get rid of all the robbers and blocking them from a certain building.

That pretty much is the basic on how to play this game. It's actually really fun and very challenging, the only problem is the movement pieces is hard to shuffle around, sometimes it flip up. I can recommend to use a pick bag which you cant see the movement pieces like the bag used in scrabble game.

See: LEGO City Alarm Game Set 3865 Review

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